Posted by: Alex | 20 July 2009

Vestas Workers Occupy!

Workers have occupied the St Cross factory in Newport. This measure has been taken due to the consistent failure of Vestas Blades and the government to face up to their responsibilities in the necessary challenge of fighting climate change and maintaining jobs.

Due to management attempting to intimidate the workers who have been organising themselves in preparation for a fight, plans to move on the factory were accelerated and a team of workers have taken the plant at 7:45 this evening as a result.

Now more than ever Vestas workers need our support. The island does not have a history of workers taking control – this could be the first of many victories where workers take control of their industries and demand that the bosses put people before profit, the environment before opportunism.


  1. Good luck fighting for the jobs and the planet.

  2. Solidarity to the Vestas Workers!
    Keep up the Struggle!

  3. Congratulations, and good luck! In the words of Patti Smith, ‘we created it, let’s take it over!’

  4. news articles on the BBC:

    Good luck!

  5. I will be writing to Milliband. Best of luck.

  6. “Vestas, the owners have decided that despite the record profits made from the sale of blades from the plant, they can increase their profits even more by relocating the factory abroad.

    .. some on the Isle of Wight are wondering why the government has not stepped in to buy blades from Vestas to save the factory and the 600 workers that it employs.”

    dont wonder… get weapons and defend your income.

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